About the Foundation

Our vision is a world without meningococcal disease.

The Kimberly Coffey Foundation was founded in memory of Kimberly Coffey, who passed away from Meningitis B in 2012. The mission of The Kimberly Coffey Foundation is to educate the public and healthcare professionals about bacterial meningitis (meningococcal disease) including the symptoms of the disease and the importance of prevention with two types of vaccines.

Learn more about meningitis and the vaccines available to help protect you.

Our vision is a world without meningococcal disease, so that no other family must endure the loss of a child or have a loved one experience the devastating effects of meningococcal disease.

We also advocate for healthcare policy for all vaccine-preventable diseases on local and national levels.

The logo for the Foundation features a lighthouse symbolizing Kim's shining beacon of light, guiding us all with knowledge of meningococcal disease - navigating us to a day when meningitis will be an illness of the past. The lighthouse also represents her love of the beach. And of course, it’s purple – her favorite color.

As the Kimberly Coffey Foundation, we will be Kimberly’s voice. In doing so, we will honor Kimberly and continue her legacy.

The Kimberly Coffey Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization in New York, U.S.A.




Board of Directors

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Patti Wukovits, BSN, RN
Executive Director


John A. Wukovits, III
Vice President


Jayann Finnegan

The Foundation is currently seeking to fill (2) seats on our Board: Board Secretary and Board Member. Learn more here.

Our Medical Council

Our medical council is made up of leading physicians and healthcare professionals at the forefront of meningococcal disease research, education, policy and advocacy. The Council provides support to the Meningitis B Action Project, and its supporting Foundations, the Kimberly Coffey Foundation and the Emily Stillman Foundation, through medical counsel and review.


Dr. Mary Beth Koslap-Petraco

Dr. Mary Beth Koslap-Petraco is a nurse practitioner in private practice, a Clinical Assistant Professor at Stony Brook University School of Nursing and a nurse consultant for the Immunization Action Coalition.

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Dr. Paul Offit

Dr. Paul Offit is Director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Professor of Vaccinology and Pediatrics at the UPenn Perelman School of Medicine.


Dr. Gary Marshall

Dr. Gary Marshall is a Professor of Pediatrics and Chief of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at the University of Louisville School of Medicine.

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Dr. Nathan Boonstra

Dr. Nathan Boonstra is a General Pediatrician at the Blank Children’s Pediatric Clinic in Des Moines Iowa.